Cancer SURVIVOR - The Journey

Created by a cancer survivor. Dedicated to those touched by cancer directly and indirectly.

I’m a Cancer SURVIVOR!

Cancer changed my life in many ways. It restored my gratitude to a whole new level.  So I’ve created this blog to share my cancer journey with you from intuition to diagnosis to treatment to remission to moving forward.  But I also ask that you share your cancer journey and comments back and in turn help others.  We are all in this together, every step of the way.

tree_of_light_I’m a cancer survivor!

My hope is to help others find their “inner-survivor” and live life to the fullest. 

Each day is a gift.  Be thankful for it.  In this moment, at this time, all is well!




69 thoughts on “I’m a Cancer SURVIVOR!

  1. I was diagnosed with Papillary Carcinoma 3/21/2016 after they removed my thyroid. I had the RAI and full body scan but nothing else lite up to show anything left behind. Just this month I had an ultrasound of my neck because of pain that I am having in it. It showed what they called 3 enlarged lymph nodes. My surgeon thinks it could be nodules instead. He can’t feel lymph nodes. He wanted to do a full body scan in March to see what if anything shows. My endo will not let him do that because she wants to do it in May. Should I go see an Oncologist or just wait and see what happens? I know I shouldn’t worry but I can’t help but worry.

    1. Perhaps your doctor and Endo should take and decide on the best time frame for the scan.
      I find deep breathing and positive affirmations helpful when the fear slips in. Keep us posted. Prayers coming your way!

  2. I am a thyroid cancer in 2001 and breast cancer in 2014 and my life change twice first living with no thyroid and with the second cancer I got lymphedema, I have good y bad days, but people who went through the same conditions can understand you better and help you

  3. Hello
    Thank you for this site and information. I just had a TT on 3/2016. pathology showed a very small spot of Papillary. Will have follow up in 7 weeks to discuss RAI? Now that i got the results NOW im scared and nervous. Doesn’t seem real to me. Im 38 yrs old, mother of 3 girls.
    My question is how do i get positive or less nervous. I mean its over. ?? Why am i feeling like this.

    1. Maggie, for me the diagnosis, thyroidectomy and treatment happened so fast. I didn’t have the chance really feel scared, sad and nervous. It all hit me weeks later. I found it helpful to journal, blog and talk to other cancer survivors.

  4. Well it’s not that you wish this on anyone but it sure is nice to see people with my same problems and fears. I’m 32 mother of 3 just had thyroid out on July 18th . Right lobe had 1.5 cm papillary carcinoma. Lymph nodes clear and left lobe clear but looked damaged from hasimotos. Going for RAI in a few more weeks not sure what to expect from that. Glad to see all the survivors posting on this page. God has put many people in life to make this easier from friends and family to new people I met on my journey. Good luck to everyone on this journey of life….

  5. Hi I’m abz ” Had my thyroid removed few months ago for “thyroid carcinoma stage I; I need your comments and suggestions, I dont agree for RAI , is that possible not taking those nuclear med.? thank you.. I’m now living healthy life style “jogging, workout ” eating diet. is that possible not taking cancer growth ? please post comments, or sugg.,I’m so confused of my condition 😦

  6. Please I need your help as I am going through tyroid cancer by myself. I need support. 6416804964
    Thank you!
    I will greatly appreciate it.

  7. my wife has been suffering from thyroid cancer which was confirmed to be stage four, the doctor told me there was little she could do since she wasn’t responding to treatment but my brother in law came to our rescue by ordering this hemp oil from rick Simpson foundation which he said has been helping some patient fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a chance, so far my wife is improving perfectly very well and presently she can walk around the house all by herself. I felt its necessary i let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good hemp oil it can really give one a sound second chance of living. if you happen to be in need of this hemp oil you can contact the foundation who supplied my brother in law with this email: Wagner

  8. Hi my name is cristina and i had thyroidectomy its been a year since i had tje surgery. My most concern is i am gaining weight so bad so i decided to take dietary pills supplements. I hope it will work im crossing my fingers. Goodluck to me. I just started today.

    1. Hi how’s everything going? I seemed to loose a lot of weight since my surgery I just feel like I have more energy now how about you?

  9. Hi my name is Nichole (18 years old) and I was diagnosed with stage one of papillary thyroid canceronoma on 4-30-2014. Within in 3 days they wanted me to go in and do a full thyroidactimy removal and do radioactive iodine therapy with me being a senior and graduating within a month freaked me out the most felt like my life was coming to a end with all the support all around I went in and got very lucky it was very near my chest and if I had waited I till after graduation I most likely would of had to do chemo from my point of view taking care of your health is way more important I was glad I did it and can say I’m a cancer survivor I soon will go to graduation and move on with my life. It was depressing at points looking at my self and coping with what I had but I look at it as working by the day live up your life because you never know what life throws at you never wait to accomplish something alway finish what you started on if anyone needs any advice or questions or just someone to talk I’m here!

  10. My name is zena i foud out that i have thiroyd cancer a week ago i have 8 weeks baby girl im so depressed the dr just did my left side only after that he found out that i have cancer so he want to do the anther side but i cant now because he hit the vocal of voice i need time to heal but if i didnt heal they cant do anthing or i have to and up a holl in my throat to berath and i dont want that im 29 years and jus. with new born i cant think anymore

  11. Hi Jennifer, first of all, I want to thank you for creating this site. It surely help people like me, who was also diagnosed with Stage 1 Follicular cancer last year. I just have my US report the other day which says that I had a small growth in my left lobe. I had lobectomy in my right last year. This really scared me . I’m going to see my surgeon this coming Mon. Pray for all of us

      1. Hi Mary!
        How was your appointment with your surgeon? I have the same experience actually, been cleared since surgery 2 years ago..then last monday there is a thyroid remnant seen on the ultrasound…i duno but my consultant told me its too small to test for biopsy, no need for RAI so nothing to do but just to observe…

  12. Just stumbled across your blog. Dealt with papillary and follicular thyroid cancer 22 years ago. Had a total thyroidectomy followed up by low and high dose radiation. Now I take thyroid medication the rest of my life. Another place you can go to on the web is Thyca – the thyroid cancer survivors organization.

  13. Awesome article, its very very true. I’m having a harder time now that I am a survivor then when I actually had cancer. Everything comes to such an abrupt halt when you are done with treatment. You lose people who have become like family to you. I constantly wonder about recurrence. Im haveing a very hard time finding my new “normal”

  14. Hi,
    Thanks for this great web page, my wife had the same thyroid cancer called papillairy carcinomas a two years back and she had a surgery for removing the thyroid gland now she is perfectly all right , but now we are planing for having a baby , we just need to know is there any complication for pregnancy after papillairy carcinoma and also we are worried that from some website we just came to read that there is provabilities to come this papillairy carcinomas again , is that true ? please replay

    1. Thank you for reaching out. I cannot give out medical advise since I’m not a doctor. I suggest you and your wife discuss your concerns about pregancy with your doctor. It has been my experience that searching for medical info online will get you more fear and anxiety than answers. Good luck!

    2. hi, i can reply from personal experience about recurrence. i had one about two years after my surgery, because i had a low dose of radiation, so it didn’t kill everything. but then i just had a higher dose of radiation, and i’ve had clean scans for over 10 years.

      as for the pregnancy thing, they make you sign a lot of waivers if you’re getting the radioactive iodine, so you should definitely talk to your doctor.

      good luck!

    3. I found out had papillary cancer 10 yrs ago. I had surgery a couple of weeks later. They took out both of my thyroids that was in the month of September. December 3rd of 2001 I had my I-131 radiation. I got pregnant December 21st of 2001 and September 20th of 2002 I gave birth to normal healthy baby girl 8lbs. And August of 2006 I gave birth to 7lb little boy.
      No complication just make sure you take your thyroid meds. everyday at the same time. I will keep ya’ll in my prayers. And good luck.

  15. I just found this page and just in time. I just had my right thyroid taken out on Aug.8th and am going in on Sept 17th to get the left side out due to finding a cancerous cell in the right one.My question is I have lost my voice and how long does it take to come back? It has been 4 wks and I still have trouble talking.Other then that I feel great and just a little nervous to go through the Radioactive Iodine in the next step
    Thanks again

    1. Hi Jane,

      My voice was pretty weak for several months. My “cheering” and singing voice is still not the same. But it has gotten better over the last few months. I encourage you to look at some of the other blog posts. I have written a couple about thyroidectomy and voice. Please keep us posted.

      Wishing you the best.

      1. Thanks for sharing your story. I had two surgeries in September and October and RAI in November. My voice is still not the same and is always tired. At first I thought it was from going back to work right away (I worked with children and you g adults with autism- lots of talking), but now we moved and I haven’t worked in two weeks, yet my voice is not the same pitch (I call it Minnie Mouse voice), I can’t yell or sing higher octives at all, and my voice is “fatigued” from the beginning of the day on.
        Anywho, it’s good to hear that this isn’t completely uncommon and does get better.

  16. Hey!
    Just wanted to let you know that I just found your site and I love it! I’m a 21 year old who had my thyroid removed almost a month ago, and found out that I had cancer about two months ago, and am just starting the RAI treatments. The nodule & amount of cancer in the thyroid was so small (about .7cm), but the cancer went to 3/10 lymph nodes removed during the surgery. Not long after I was diagnosed I started my own blog about my thyroid journey. I’ve been updating as I’ve been going through the process.
    You have a great blog!

  17. I am scheduled to have thyroid surgery in a couple of days. I have a nodule of 1.4cm in the lower right lobe and FNA was indeterminate for a follicular adenoma/neoplasm, could either indicate a benign or malignant condition. Surgery is the only way to find out a and thyroid surgery is advised. Went to Moffitt by referral of endocrine Dr. last Dec. and just saw ENT locally who is wanting to proceed because of growth and pain there. My blood levels are okay even antibody levels, as well as scan with uptake. What should I avoid besides ASA products before surgery? After surgery, is it expected that I won’t have the results of the analysis of the mass for at least one week? During that time, how can I expect to feel? Will I have hypo symptoms? I’m already so tired all the time, lol. If it is indeed cancer, I will likely not get thyroid drugs for six weeks, at which time I will probably do RAI to kill any remaining thyroid tissue. is there a new med. that is being used for patients who have had thyroidectomies? I think the med prevents the extreme hypo symptoms. Haveyou tried it? I would love to hear about surgery experiences for follicular cells from anyone in the know. My DD aged 15 just underwent tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and turbinate reduction on Friday, so it must be important to proceed or he would not do it so soon, he is the one who performed her surgery, so he knows I need to be here with her. Already been through uterine cancer and love life! just a tad nervous right now, lol ;0)

  18. Thank you for your blog. I was diagnosed in February 2010 with Thyroid Cancer, had a complete Thyroidectomy on March 2nd, will begin the LID in April, followed by RAI on April 22nd with 10 days of isolation. Your blog, as well as a couple others I’ve found, have helped me through this process and make me feel that I’m not alone. It IS scary to go through this, even though it’s the “good” cancer. I’m now seeing an Endo and Oncologist….which still doesn’t seem real to me. I’m a 30 year old wife and mother of 4…and I’m seeing an ONCOLOGIST??? Anyway, thanks for the blog. I also joined your Cancer Survivor group on Facebook 🙂


    1. Your story is parallel to mine. I mean even the dates. I have 5 kids and I’m 37 and that’s just amazing how the dates are exactly the same.

  19. Hi,
    I just found your site. I appreciate your positive comments. My story is also a journey. I had a neck ultrasound 1 year ago. It showed nodes and I do fell pain and lumps in my neck. I now have an appointment next week w/endicrinologist. I have for the past 1-2 years always had excess salive in my mouth. Dr.s said “you are lucky you dont have “dry mouth”. Well, OK i said.
    But my 2 1/2 year journey has been having braces on and expecting to now get Orthognathic Jaw Surgery. Well, my insurance company denied me getting the surgey now. This operation costs about $30,000 which I don’t have.Now my teeth do not meet being corrected for surgery. I have ignored my thyroid just waiting for my Jaw Surgery. How ironic. I am very sad these days. I snore badly do to collapsed airway issues,totally receeded lower jaw and also collapsed nasal valve due to a incompetant nose surgery 20 years ago. So yes, I ignored my thyroid. Talk about multiple issues !

  20. Hi. What a great blog. I applaud you for doing your part to raise awareness about thyroid cancer and keep a positive attitude. I’m a two-year survivor still living with thyca despite surgery and 2 RAI treatments. I, too, embrace life more fully now that I have this diagnosis. I write a blog about thyroid cancer, as well. You’re welcome to check it out.
    Keep up the good work!

  21. I am scheduled to have thyroid surgery in a couple of days. I have a nodule of 1.4cm in the lower right lobe and FNA was indeterminate for a follicular adenoma/neoplasm, could either indicate a benign or malignant condition. Surgery is the only way to find out a and thyroid surgery is advised. Went to Moffitt by referral of endocrine Dr. last Dec. and just saw ENT locally who is wanting to proceed because of growth and pain there. My blood levels are okay even antibody levels, as well as scan with uptake. What should I avoid besides ASA products before surgery? After surgery, is it expected that I won’t have the results of the analysis of the mass for at least one week? During that time, how can I expect to feel? Will I have hypo symptoms? I’m already so tired all the time, lol. If it is indeed cancer, I will likely not get thyroid drugs for six weeks, at which time I will probably do RAI to kill any remaining thyroid tissue. is there a new med. that is being used for patients who have had thyroidectomies? I think the med prevents the extreme hypo symptoms. Have
    you tried it? I would love to hear about surgery experiences for follicular cells from anyone in the know. My DD aged 15 just underwent tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and turbinate reduction on Friday, so it must be important to proceed or he would not do it so soon, he is the one who performed her surgery, so he knows I need to be here with her. Already been through uterine cancer and love life! just a tad nervous right now, lol ;0)

  22. Hi,I congradulate you on being a thyroid cancer surviver. You are doing a great job spreading awareness. I am glad I have came upon this site. I was diagnose with thyroid desease 3 wks ago and was put on symroid 25mg until more blood work is done. This is all new to me. does having too much mucus in my throat thats hard to clear have anything to do with thyroid? Thanks again for the awareness

  23. Hi! this blog seems very unique indeed. As a six year thyca survivor (I’ve had a few surgeries and rounds of R.A.I and the cancer is still around but my doctor doesn’t want to overdo the R.A.I) I know how difficult it can be (in my experience) to connect with other Thyroid cancer survivors. I’ve often met ppl who have (through lack of understanding) told me I am lucky to have this type of cancer, which is a very strange thought; no one is ever lucky to have cancer! So I commend you for reaching out to others.

  24. hi everyone. my dignosis is hypothyroid for almost two years, now. I was with the synthetic T4 but it almost kill me. That was last Oct. For a year i have not treatment but still the symptoms persist. Then last week i found a information about Logul’s iodine and it seems to be very reasonable. I wonder if anyone of you all have try it and if it has to do with your survived journey?

  25. I am so very pleased to see that you are bringing awareness to people and documenting your journey with thyroid cancer. I love that you are celebrating your survival and appreciating life rather than complaining and saying “poor me” about having cancer. I was diagnosed with Follicular Thyroid Cancer on June 18, 2009 – two days after my 23rd birthday. I love my scar because it represents my strength and reminds me to appreciate and love every day.

    1. Hi Jessica – Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. I hope to bring awareness to as many people as possible about thyroid cancer and surviving! I see it all as a gift that has given me a new appreciation on life (once again). Please continue to keep me posted on your journey.

  26. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 11/2007 had through a thyroidectomy. Had my first radioactive iodine treatment in 04/2008. Had another surgery 03/2009 and am going through my fun iodine diet again and will be getting iodine 131 on oct 23 2009.

    I feel this diet is such a pain the list they gave me at the cancer center tells me i can have certain foods like pnut butter and ketchup and after I eat them I read that its only certain ones. The list totally contradicts itself. I feel like im gonna mess up this treatment . Did any one else feel this way.

    I get so bummed out when my family eats good food while im around. It is so hard I cant wait to get this done and over the second time .

    1. I totally know how you feel about the diet. I was anxious the whole time that I was accidentally eating something wrong and I’d screw up my test, and there would be no uptake because I had eaten iodine, and they’d miss a recurrence. I quizzed every baker in the area and asked to see his salt. I re-read labels over and over. I called the tech at the hospital a hundred times — “what about broccoli? sweet potatoes?” i even asked her if my shampoo was a problem because it was made with sea salt.

      Just keep telling yourself it’s only temporary.

      1. Carrie – you are too funny. I admire your sense of humor about the LID experience. I have found that having a positive attitude really goes a long way with it all. You’re right, it is only temporary.

    2. I understand how frustrating LID can be. I spent lots of time and money preparing for it. After 18 days worth of meals, I decided to take my knowledge and add it to my blog. I hope your LID went well. Please keep me posted on your progress. Wishing you the best!

      1. thanks – but i was serious! i’m laughing at it now, but at the time, i really was SO anxious about the whole thing and I really did call that poor woman at the hospital asking about shampoo. i’m sure she was happier than i was when my scan was done.

  27. I just found you through twitter (MyQSD username) and got a very nice direct message from you. Congratulations on your strength of will, determination, and getting through something so tough. People like you inspire me so thank you.

  28. since my diagnosis (14 years ago!) it has been an issue with brief periods of fear, discomfort, and other complaints, but the vast majority of the time it has been something on the back burner — always there, but not boiling over. you just need to lift the lid and stir occasionally. thyroid cancer is, thankfully, a mostly manageable fight and with a lot of patience and hard work, and the support of other survivors, we can all get through it.

    in fact, the most helpful tool in my fight was hearing from other people who had it too – getting information the doctors won’t give you (like how to hide a scar or the fact that you may sound like minnie mouse after surgery), and just getting empathy and support.

    1. so glad that there is more info & people like you talking about Thyroid Cancer. When I had my 2 ops 14 years ago in Australia it was almost unheard of….so glad that we can help one another by asking & answering questions.

      1. Thank you for your comment Charmaine. Let’s keep helping one another by sharing our experience with thyroid cancer. Spreading awareness and early detection will hopefully help many people touched by it.

  29. Hi.
    my name is SamanthaShelby Johnsonstone im a (12) month lukemia,bonemearrow trans plant baby i have type (2) Diabeties,& Congenetal heart disease i live in Alaska & i thank god im alive.

  30. I just found your blog via the Dear Thyroid Blog. I’m excited that you have a blog dedicated entirely to thyroid cancer. I was diagnosed and had a thyroidectomy in 2007 and then 6 months ago I had to go back under the knife to have some lymph nodes removed. I still feel like I am recovering from the second surgery…it was definitely harder than the first. This coming week I have a follow up ultra sound with my doctor. My blood work came back a few months ago showing some signs that there are still cells in there, so I’m not sure what the future holds. Keep up the good blogging!

  31. Hi Jennifer. Thanks for getting this page out. I’m fighting a second time around. Thank God people are getting the word about this… I never realized how common this disease is until I got it. Best to you!

  32. Jennifer, I think we have briefly chatted on twitter. I’m not sure if you have read my story.

    Just wanted to tell you that you are not alone. I’m a thyroid cancer fighter as well.

    HUGS to you!!


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