Cancer SURVIVOR - The Journey

Created by a cancer survivor. Dedicated to those touched by cancer directly and indirectly.


One of the gifts I got from being a cancer survivor is a new perspective on life.  Life is full of changes and we never know where one path might lead. I learned how to face my fears and in turn found a deeper level of strength from within.  Through the scans, biopsies, doctor visits, tests, surgery, treatment and more, I was not only surviving cancer, but I was also becoming ready to make some positive changes.  Through the journey, I found the courage, motivation and empowerment to move forward in many areas of my life both personal and professional, including a new career path.  I went back to school, studied, practiced, worked hard and became a Life Coach.

My prayers were answered and I got another chance to live my life.  I’m a survivor of more than cancer.  I’m a survivor of life! As a Life Coach, I am able to use my own life experience when working with clients to guide them forward.  All of us have the answers within, but some find them easier and with greater clarity by working with a life coach.

I also created a program called Life Beyond Cancer for cancer survivors ready to move forward and live life beyond cancer.  Contact me if you are ready!

Moving forward

That is some of the history behind what motivated me to face my fears, dive in and become a Life CoachMy purpose for starting a Life Coach Page within the Thyroid Cancer Survivor blog is to share with YOU the hope, motivation and determination I found from surviving cancer.  Now YOU can use it to move forward.  The possibilities are only limited by our minds!

Are You Moving Forward?


Jennifer Bridge
Life Coach
Ready to Change Life Coaching

18 thoughts on “LIFE COACH PAGE ~ MOVING FORWARD —->

  1. Just got my TT on 3/2016 went to my follow up and was informed that they found a small piece that showed papillary cancer. My endo put me on synthroid and will discudd RAI in 7 weeks? My biggest hurdle right now is trying to stay positive and move on?
    any advice

    1. Hi
      I was diagnosed with ptc when I was breastfeeding my 9 mth old… What a shock!! Two weeks later I had tt and stopped breastfeeding. I had to wait 6mths before milk dried up and had rai.

      5 years on and after a beautiful healthy second baby last year,I can say I have never been healthier or happier.

      I feel great. 5 years on thyroxin with no thyroid I feel on top of the world.

      The annual check ups and scans are difficult but staying positive and understanding the great advances in medicine is not only reassuring but gives my total faith In my wellness.

      It’s tough going the initial shock of it all but you get through it and go on to be stronger and eventually it’s something you reflect on- not something your afraid of.

      One day at a time- all will be well


    2. Hi

      I know it all can be overwhelming, the initial shock of a cancer diagnosis and the fear of the Unknown.
      Most of us feel that way at the beginning.

      At the time I couldn’t find any positive posts online- I was afraid of what the future looked like battling thyroid cancer.

      Over the last 6 years I have come to accept the diagnosis. It is a treatable illness and will not define who you are and with the amazing medical experts out there – it is very manageable.

      I had a large tumour on my thyroid and spread to the lymph nodes. I underwent tt and rai.

      The side effects from the Rai are minimal. It is scary but a lot of us have done it and come out healthier and stronger.

      I have never felt better in myself than I do now. Healthy, confident and happy.

      You need to stay positive, talk to a counsellor, exercise, get a massage and nurture yourself.

      The first year is the hardest but the fear and negativity will pass. Take things one day at a time and know that you are not alone.

  2. Hi Becky, I just had surgery on May 19 my full thyroid removed now I need to take the I-131 did you take this pill? if so how did you handle it? I was advise that I will need to be away from family and friends up to 10 days.

  3. Hi
    Not feeling too well since i had my thyroid out been 2 weeks was just reading some posts. Just met with the Dr. yesterday. It was a way too long a day for me. Had to leave my sons concert at intermission i was glad i got to see his performance but still my body just shut down, my other son brought me home. I have FAP genetic disease causing poylps through out digestive system that all turn to cancer have had 7 major surgeries i dont think there is anything left for them to take out of me. Until i found out i had tyroid cancer also caused from FAP was told its rare but it happens. hhmmm as if FAP wasnt bad enough. Dr told me thyroid cancer surgery would be a piece of cake considering everything else i been through. Never really thought id have any issues with this..guess i was wrong..I started think last night Dr. must have lied to me cause if this is a piece of cake …i want a new piece cause i dont like it..

  4. I am too glad to have run across this page, as I am currently in need of some positive support. I am a 37-year old husband and father of two that was diagnosed with pap thyroid cancer in November of 2010. Radiologists discovered a 4 cm tumor on the right side of my neck, and it wasn’t long before my ENT rushed me into surgery to have it and my thyroid removed. A month later my oncologists administered RAI 131 treatment.

    It is now nearly a year later and, after making some serious life changes, I am finding myself still involved in the fight. My cancer did not uptake the 131 and they discovered what may be another lesion on the opposite side of my neck. I go into surgery on March 8th to have the node that may contain cancer removed. If they find it is malignant, the surgeon will remove most of the nodes on that side by performing a neck dissection.

    I guess the largest struggle for me is dealing with the uncertainty of my condition, as well as a very compartmentalized healthcare system. With a graduate-level education, I believe I am an intelligent individual. However, I find myself lost at times, wondering at what point do I need to stand my ground and make the caregivers communicate with one another. At times, I even question some of their recommendations. All of this makes me feel somewhat isolated, alone, and very intimidated. I haven’t even gone into the dilemma of our insurance company, which is probably better left for another conversation.

    Anyway, I really could use some positive encouragement and some sound advice on how to get through this phase of my treatment. Depression, anxiety, and fear pretty much summarizes the emotional roller coaster I have been on this past month – most of which pertain to health, finances, and family.



  5. Guess I will introduce myself… My name is Becky McDonald. I was diagnosed with Papillary Carcinoma in early summer 2010. After all the tests, I finally had the right side removed on 8/3/10. They tested it for cancer in the UR, kept me for the 23 hour stay, told me I was cancer free and sent me home. Less than 24 hours later, my doc was calling and saying, “I am so sorry, byt upon dissection, we found cancer. we have scheduled you for surgery next Tuesday.” That was one week after the first surgery. They took the other half, 3 parathyroids and I’m not sure how many lymph nodes. Things got really hard from there. It took nearly 3 months to find an oncologist locally who would even see me. Seems the RAI-131 is super toxic and most docs just don’t want to deal with it.

    I think it was almost 3 months before I could walk from my bedroom, to the car, then through the hospital for treatment, without help from other people or a cane. After they finally got me on Levothyroxin and got it adjusted, I started feeling mostly human.

    Since my diagnosis, surgeries and treatment, I have spent a good deal of time doing research, talking to other thyroid cancer patients and trying to be not only my own advocate, but one for other Pap patients. There is a great little group on Facebook called Thyroid Cancer 411 for those of you still at a loss. It is a wonderful group of survivors who are all so welcoming and willing to provide emotional support and all the info they have come across and their own experiences. I highly reccommend it.

    It’s funny, since my surgeries, I am always looking at people’s throats. It is amazing to me how many people have had thyroid surgery, either due to cancer or hypothyroidism. Gives me a way to bond with more people and make new friends.

    Just want to say thanks for the blog. I will add it to my faves. You are an inspiration! Anyone on Facebook wanting to chat can look me up. I’m HypnoAngel.

    Take care and God bless you all,

  6. Hi,
    I was diagnosed with Papilliary cancer 3 months ago when my baby was only 9 months old.I have undergone a TT two weeks later and am waiting 4 months for RAI as breast milk has to dry up.It has been very challenging and I have found mostly negative and defeatist blogs and on the internet and so was relieved and inspired to come across your web page.I too am feeling positive and see this as a gift to learn and recognise our strengths.I am feeling great and have so much more appreciation for life and my family than I ever had.It has been scary at times but with positive influences and a great medical support network I am truly on top of my cancer.Thankyou for you positivity.
    31yr Mother of 1 NSW

  7. I had a general question I was diagnosed with papillary cancer I had 1.5 cm tumor and another one 1 mm in my right thyroi I had two surgeries to take out my whole thyroid doc says I should take a low dose of radioactive iodine I can’t make up my mind about this whether I should radioactive iodine

    1. Just wondering if you did the Rai-131 or not. It can be a tough decision for us. Luckily for me, I have 2 houses side-by-side and was able to go into radioactive isolation next door and not worry about contaminating anyone else.

      Best of luck,
      Becky McDonald
      16 Month Papillary Carcinoma Survivor

  8. just wanted to say how glad i was to find you.i was diagnosed dec 2009 with stage 1 papillary thyroid cancer.i had my thyroid removed on jan 27th 2010. i am now awaiting radiation within the next week or so. i have been off cytomel since feb 20th and prep for the radiation..they really did not tell me how this would affect me. i am extremely bloated, and sooooooooo tired..hubby thought i was going nuts…but thanks to finding you and reading the other stories i now know this is normal…i fell more at ease and ready for whatever comes.. thank you for being a voice for people like me…your an angel on earth!

  9. You seem like a very positive person. I am a firm believer of positive thinking. I try not to let tomorrows worries ruin todays happiness. I think you are a great writer. Keep writing.

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